First of all, I want to thank you for subscribing to the first month’s box. I hope you enjoyed the items you received and put them to good use. 

This month’s theme is all about a mouth-watering food truck lunch. Grab your lunch on a beautiful afternoon..

Firstly, you received Hot Dog Playing Cards by Fast Food Playing Cards. These cards are designed as if you had just walked up to a food truck selling hot dogs. Each card is filled with vibrant ink and colours that force you not to look away. This limited edition deck is also fully marked, allowing you to discern exactly which card is at your fingertips. The Taiwan Playing Card Company printed the deck on an outstanding feeling stock, and it is a perfect bite to eat.

Secondly, you opened the Mustard Playing Cards by Fast Food Playing Cards. This deck pays homage to the classic condiments you add to your hot dog. Although only some enjoy this topping, it is still at most BBQs. The limited edition cards are unique and handle beautifully. The United States Playing Card Company prints these. Also, the backs are suit marked, which means you can determine the suit of a given card by simply glancing at its back. This 2000 deck run should definitely be on your hotdog.

Last but not least, the Tomato Graffiti Playing Cards! You got the tastiest topping of them all. This popular deck shows a unique art style with a clever name that is a crucial ingredient in ketchup. A graffiti artist designed the deck for the 5th anniversary of tomato studio. The minimal design is going on my hot dog for sure. The cards will also catch some glances with their striking boldness.

Finally, I want to thank you one last time for your purchase; I hope you continue to enjoy your monthly subscription box. Below is a form where you can put your comments on this month’s box. I will be sure to read all of them and consider them. You can let me know what you liked about the box, give ideas for future decks you’d like to receive, theme ideas, or anything else you’d like to say.